The Future of Batam

The Future of Batam

By Forum Kajian Pembangunan dengan tuan rumah Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kementerian Perdagangan

Date and time

Thursday, June 27, 2019 · 10am - 12pm WIB


Jayakarta Room

Hotel Sari Pasific Jakarta JL MH Thamrin No 6 Jakarta, Jakarta 10340 Indonesia


1) Perubahan Batam dari Kawasan Perdagangan Bebas dan Pelabuhan Bebas (PBPB) menjadi Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus (KEK)

Yudi Fadilah (Kementerian Perdangangan)

Abstrak: Saat ini terindikasi telah terjadi penurunan daya saing pada Kawasan Perdagangan Bebas dan Pelabuhan Bebas (PBPB) Batam yang dipengaruhi faktor eksternal yaitu konsep kawasan perdagangan bebas atau FreeTrade Zone (FTZ) telah ditinggalkan oleh negara-negara di kawasan regional Asia Timur dan Asia Tenggara, dan faktor internal seperti terjadinya dualisme pengelolaan wilayah antara pemerintah kota dan BP Batam. Dengan diubahnya status Batam menjadi Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus (KEK), maka fasilitas yang diperoleh Batam semakin bertambah, khususnya fasilitas perpajakan.

2) Batam: Life after FTZ?

Siwage Dharma Negara (ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute, dan Pusat Penelitian Ekonomi LIPI)

Abstract: Batam’s economic fortunes have waned of late. Investment levels have fallen, the island’s growth rate is below the national average and unemployment has increased sharply. The presentation aims to contribute to the debates on how to revitalize the island’s economy in two ways. First, using data from the Manufacturing Survey of Large and Medium-Sized Firms, the speaker will discuss the growth and performance of Batam’s key manufacturing branches (electronics; electrical goods; and ship-building) in comparison with those of firms in the same sectors in Java and Sumatra. Second, the speaker will discuss the results of an econometric exercise to determine whether the island’s Free Trade Zone (FTZ) status is related to improved levels of productivity, output, exports, and employment.

FKP is free and open to the public. No certificate is given for attendance.

Livestream FKP video can be accessed through and links to slides through

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FKP schedule for 2019:

  • July: CSIS
  • August: LD FEB UI
  • September: Article 33 Indonesia
  • October: The SMERU Research Institute
  • November: FE UNSRI and CEDS UNPAD
  • December: PSHK

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